при бывшем приюте братьев Бахрушиных. Московская епархия (городская)

Приглашаем на встречи Английского клуба

Приглашаем в Английский клуб при Храме Живоначальной Троицы при бывшем приюте Бахрушиных https://vk.com/sv.troitsa. Holy Trinity English Club (https://vk.com/club191379038): We discuss all of the most interesting topics for Orthodox Christians in the English language.???? Holy Trinity English Club is located in Moscow, Russia, and meets at Holy Trinity Church (Храм Живоначальной Троицы, метро Алексеевская) with the blessing of the acting rector, Archpriest Rostislav Yarema. Our club is led by a native English speaking Reader (Чтец) of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (РПЦЗ), who was born in America, and is studying to become a Priest in Russia. He is the author of hundreds of articles, news reports, translations, and academic works concerning Orthodoxy, published on the English version of Pravoslavie.ru ( Orthochristian.com ) and other Orthodox websites. He is a specialist on the history of South-Western Rus', the Kievan Metropolia and its unification with the Moscow Patriarchate, and Orthodoxy in America. ✔We meet twice a week, Saturday and Sunday, in the cafe of Holy Trinity Church: ⏰On Saturdays, we meet from 15.00-17.00 (3PM to 5PM) and have an open discussion club, where any participatiant can come and talk about whatever they'd like. While our group is generally geared towards religion, on Saturdays, we can discuss whatever is interesting to us, anything from travel and food to culture and current events. It's a great opportunity to socialize and make friends with other Orthodox Christians, and practice English with native speakers. ⏰On Sundays from 13.00 to 15.00 (1PM to 3PM) we have a focused discussion on some of the most important topics for Orthodox Christians in our days: We often compare and analyze Orthodoxy in America and the West, with Orthodoxy in Russia, discuss the most pressing current issues in our faith today, the history and culture of Russia and other Orthodox countries, and living an Orthodox life in the 21st century. ☕?The church cafe where we meet is comfortable and there are many tasty treats sold there. ??‍♂Our group is complely free to attend and participate! We're an open forum; everyone is welcome to suggest topics, speak, and ask questions! From time to time, we may have other native speakers of English, as well as interesting people from different cultures visiting. Our club is free, and everyone is welcome to join! ⛪Address: Храм Живоначальной Троицы при бывшем приюте Бахрушиных 1-й Рижский переулок, 2с7 Москва, Россия https://yandex.ru/maps?whatshere%5Bpoint… Ⓜ Алексеевская http://www.sv-troitsa.ru/ Glory to Jesus Christ ☦ Glory Forever!